ABOUT SUN EDUCATORS – philosophy and policies and T3 meeting schedule

We are proud of our certified and credentialed coaches. In all communications and behaviors you can expect SUN Educators to be committed to and adhere to ethical coaching standards of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) <coachingfederation.org> and ethical coach education standards of the Association of Coaches and Coach Training Organizations (ACTO) <actoonline.org>.

Our Educators and participants have created the excellence of SUN. Educators assume a number of roles in  Success Unlimited Network®. We are coaches, Coach Educators, Coach Mentors, Coach Appraisers, some are Coach Supervisors and Coach Leaders.

WE meet 15+ hours throughout the year and and hold annual 2-3 day retreats to continue our education, collaboration, strategies for new development, assess existing programs and support each other to live our personal life purposes and the SUN mission, vision and purpose.

We have many policies and we value transparency, so feel free to read them all.

Statement on Ethics, Integrity and Transparency

SUN has a reputation of being honest and open when communicating with colleagues, participants and graduates. We take risks in expanding coaching into the world and in fostering its evolution. We have several ways to communicate with those connected to SUN to keep people abreast of what is happening in SUN, in ICF and in the profession. In our SUN community we have a Forum for communication with each other. The Certification Director sends out information to the Educators who in turn send it out to their graduates and current participants.

Another aspect of transparency is that we act on feedback. From this perspective we are viewed as responsible and our word is a promisable action. We follow-through. We have standards for responsiveness and continually receive feedback that people are surprised and delighted how quickly we respond. Our 4 key Evaluation Forms provide suggestions and improvements.

We have a mindset for continuous improvement that underpins all of our educational programs for participants, graduates, Educators and Mentors. We have an exceptional Ethics Program with a 126 ppt slide presentation that takes 8-10 hours, many case studies from the real world experiences of long-time educators and members of the ICF Ethics Committees and Community of Practice, and assignments of awareness.

Examples of SUN transparency. 1. When we work with support personnel we share our Code of Ethics and explain how they are impacted. 2. Each Educator has a rate sheet that is available to any participant or prospective participant. 3. If it is a habit of the educator to take notes while in a meeting or an observation, it is explicitly stated that they are available to the other person.


ALL Educators and all those who serve in a mentoring role, agree to adopt, incorporate, and apply the International Coach Federation Standards and Code of Ethics and the ACTO Code of Ethics in our SUN Certification, Education and Training Programs and other SUN education programs including our SUN Educate-the-Educator Program.


SUN enforces equal opportunity for the SUN Coach Educators, SUN Mentor Coaches, current and prospective Participants, through its outreach and recruitment. The SUN Coach Educators behave in a manner consistent with current non-discrimination laws including race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, handicap, veteran status, age, sexual orientation and gender, as well as the ICF Code of Ethics.

Equal Opportunity and Fair Practices

SUN operates within all federal, state and local laws applicable to non-discrimination and fair practices and with ICF and ACTO Ethical Codes of Conduct.

SUN enforces equal opportunity for SUN Coach Educators, SUN Mentor Coaches, current and prospective Participants, through its outreach, recruitment, exploratories, admissions selection, teaching, testing, and Participants and Educators’ evaluations. SUN Coach Educators behave in a manner consistent with current non-discrimination laws including race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, handicap, veteran status, age, sexual orientation and gender, DEIJB, as well as the ACTO and ICF Code of Ethics.

Safeguarding Human Rights and Disputes

SUN respects and protects the rights of all SUN Coach Educators and Participants to use a grievance system, to appeal any denial of service, to appeal exclusion from a program, and to have a fair hearing in all cases.

Admission Standards and Requirements

SUN criteria for admission into the ICF Education, Training and Certification Programs (Level 1 and Level 2)

  1. Participation in a personal interview in person, by phone or distance technology to learn about the SUN approach, methodology and fees.
  2. Completion of Coach-in-Education (Participant) Information Form – application form
  3. Signed agreement attesting to intention to adhere to SUN and ICF policies, legal and financial obligations etc.
  4. The process for education a Participant shall not exceed three years, unless reasonable circumstances dictate otherwise.
  5. If the education of a Participant exceeds 3 years, the Participant may request that the SUN Coach Educator extend the time frame required for completion. The SUN Coach Educator decides whether to accept the extension or leave of absence request.
  6. IF an applicant has already taken some coach education, we might be able to give some credit. Exceptions may be made on whether to admit a potential participant into SUN education at the discretion of the SUN Educator in consultation with the SUN Director and Director of Education.
  • SUN prefers to admit people who have a spiritual awareness/openness and willingness to integrate their spirituality into the coaching process.
  • SUN also prefers to admit people who have some work experience and personal growth and development track record.

Confidentiality and Anonymity

ALL SUN Educators have a strong commitment to continual improvement and development, both as coaches and as coach educators. To this end, we sometimes discuss strategies and approaches for education in order to continually upgrade our competencies and our SUN programs. This may include the education process and progress involving participants and how they are coaching, communicating with, and marketing to their clients. This may also involve how they are being educated and receive instruction. Additionally, although not limited to this, discussions may include creating materials, cases and role-plays for instructional purposes.

Educators take the utmost care to maintain anonymity of the people involved, unless permission is received. This principle of anonymity pertains to group work and breaks, Tele-classes, webinars, skills practices and other methods of education. Information from Participants or those being mentored may be shared without any reference traceable to the source with other SUN Coach Educators for education purposes or program enhancement.

Persons involved with SUN Education or Mentoring have the right to see their own files at any time. Information obtained from participants may be shared with other coach educators for education purposes only.

Freedom and Release of Information

  1. All SUN Educators inform participants during their exploration of any SUN program that there is a ICF coaching Code of Ethics and standards of behavior for coaches and a Code of Ethics for Educators (ACTO).
  2. If the Director or Education Director do anything purportedly or potentially unethical, educators and participants can go to the International Coaching Federation website and follow the procedures for the Ethical Conduct Review process.
  3. The International Coaching Federation website, <coachingfederation.org> identifies the ICF Ethical Conduct Review process and all ICF members have access to the ICF Assist Line by e-mail ethics@coachingfederation.org or phone +1.859.219.3580. The Assist Line may be used for ethical inquiries and concerns inquiries as well as complaints.

Special Needs Policy

  • All SUN Educators comply with ICF ethical guidelines: A coach believes in the dignity and integrity of every human being and is committed to encompassing the inherent capability and resourcefulness of every individual and ACTO ethical value: Fairness – Equitable and just treatment and behavior ensuring equivalence for all.          

All SUN Educators who have special needs and/or who have special needs participants, including, although not limited to: learning and/or other physical or mental disabilities, accommodate these special needs to the best of their ability, by partnering with the participant to use or adapt whenever reasonably possible, technology or other methods to augment the learning opportunity required by the special needs person, and by arranging meetings in suitable locations, selected by the one with special needs and mutually agreed to. SUN Educators and participants may also use interpreters and recordings as required.

Media used is selected with respect to individual learning styles. All SUN Educators pay attention to cultural and language differences to create the maximal learning opportunity for each and every participant.

Teaching and Learning Environment

The teaching environment must be suitable for maximal learning and adhere to adult or child learning principles. The environment must be safe, neat, clean and organized and as much as possible enable the participant to relax and learn. No interruptions except for emergencies.

The comfortable atmosphere fosters trust and safety, flexibility, creativity and supports the participant to obtain and sustain the knowledge and experience obtained in each meeting.

In our profession, coaching, coaching education, coach mentoring etc., meetings may not be conducted if the participant, client, or person being mentored… is in a moving vehicle. Even if the person is a passenger, the visual must be turned off during the meeting and only auditory allowed. Several reasons. We want the person to be fully present and safe. Being fully present is one of the coaching competencies and we take safety seriously.

Teaching/Evaluation Standards for Participant Progress

Evaluation is accomplished throughout certification in accordance with ICF and SUN standards

  1. Participant’s progress is monitored in every module by observation, assessment and feedback, always verbally and sometimes additionally in writing.
  2. Participants must keep their SUN Educator closely informed about each meeting and activity with the 3 clients who have been selected to be mentored.
  3. All SUN Educators keep attendance records, including a log of the number of hours of education, what course elements have been completed during the educational program as well as the final score for each participant.
  4. Each SUN Educator evaluates participant progress.

Course Evaluation Methods

  1. SUN Coach Educators use various SUN checklists to formally evaluate the Participant. Some courses require a written product (e.g., Personal Mastery Practicum, Guidelines for Living, Ethics Test); others are formally done through interpersonal evaluation such as the observations and the Interim and Final Exams. Evaluation is also done by the Participant after completing certification.
  2. Details of specific evaluation methods used for each course are specified in a different section.
  3. Module 1 feedback includes Appraisal Forms #4 and #8 completed by the Participant’s client and given to the Participant and Coach Educator.
  4. SUN Education retreats are evaluated by all who participate.
  5. Proposals for presentations done in Open Space events are  reviewed by the Director of Education in order to determine whether credit can be given to participants.

Attendance Documentation and Participation 

The SUN Coach Education, Training and Certification program provides for 125 contact learning hours with 100 hours direct interaction with the Educator and 25 learning hours on the participants own time under supervision of the Educator.  Examples are reading, research, practice with a coaching buddy/ies, listening to recordings. E-mail communications are also used to supplement face-to-face meetings although these do not count as contact hours.

Attendance requirements

  1. Leaves of absence may not exceed three years without reasonable justification. If a Leave of Absence is requested for more than 3-6 months, a form must be submitted to the Educator for approval.
  2. Participation in SUN Tele-classes, Global Skills practices, and SUN education events are strongly recommended as a way to diversify and expand the learning experience and to broaden contact with other coaches, different SUN Educators and Guest presenters in the coaching profession.
  3. Each SUN Coach Educator documents participant attendance by keeping logs of the number of hours of education Participants have completed.
  4. Each SUN Coach Educator evaluates Participant progress for their Participants.

Participants in Module I may attend Tele-classes and Global skills practices at the discretion of the Coach Educator.

Withdrawals and Refunds

In the event of early withdrawal or inability of any participant to complete a education, the participant is liable for payment for the services rendered as of the date of withdrawal on a pro-rated percentage. For example, if a participant completes one day of a two-day education, payment for 50% of the education would be due in addition to the administrative fee agreed to in the agreement. If prepayment had occurred, the Educator provides refunds pro-rated to services already rendered minus the administrative fee.

Partial completion policy – from the Participant Enrollment Agreement

This is the entire agreement of the parties, and reflects a complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior written and oral representations. Nothing herein shall be deemed to invalidate the Coaching Education, Training and Certification Agreement for Module I. Either party may terminate this agreement with 3 weeks written advance notice. If PARTICIPANT has paid more than services rendered, monies shall be retained only for services rendered and the remaining amount refunded minus a $xxx. administrative fee. Participant may request transfer to another SUN Educator to continue education if appropriate. If rates change before this agreement has been signed and dated, the prevailing rates will apply. The tuition price in this agreement is valid for 3 years from the date signed by the PARTICIPANT. If the program is not completed, a new agreement will be negotiated at the prevailing rates at the time of the new agreement.

 Transfer of Credit for a non-SUN coach potential participant

If a participant in another program wants to take SUN Level 1 or 2 education, they select the Educator from information on the SUN website www.successunlimitednet.com or send an email request to <info @successunlimitednet.org>. The chosen Educator reviews all the documented education received so far and notes the amount of experience as well. Before accepting participant will be observed to assess the level of understanding and application of coaching competencies and philosophy.

Leave of Absence

Reasons for a Leave of Absence

  1. When a participant appears to be taking too long and needs a break to reassess commitment or ability.
  2. If the Educator-participant relationship has been hampered in some way it may be best to assign this participant to another SUN coach Educator.
  3. If a participant formally requests time off for health, personal or other reason, the coach Educator may grant a leave of absence
  4. It is also possible that some form of therapeutic intervention may be needed prior to continuing coach education.


Set a time period for the leave, e.g., 3 months, 6 months, etc.. Every leave longer than 3 months must be on the written form with noted beginning and ending dates and signed by Participant and Educator. Before the leave begins, the Educator and Participant review what has already been done and what remains.

If a PARTICIPANT requests a leave of absence, it is up to the Educator to grant it or not. There is always a hazard that learning will be forgotten or an approach will change or something may be different when SUN applies for another re-accreditation. It is prudent to let the PARTICIPANT know that additional education may be required due to new SUN or ICF requirements and they have the option of charging if the education exceeds 125 hours. The additional rate charge is in the initial agreement and the participant agrees to pay the current rate when returning to the education.

If a Participant already has clients, it is strongly recommended that the oversight/mentoring continue even if other aspects of the program are on hold. Consider continuing the Mastery Practicum as well.

It is also recommended that the Educator check in periodically with the Participant on leave.  

Transparent fee schedule  Each Coach Educator has their own fee rate schedule. We educate in many locations, some of which have extremely different currency value and we would be discriminating if we had the same fee as we have in the US and some European countries.

Educators have produced and published a number of materials and courses that are offered in addition to the Coach Education. Many of these materials are not required for SUN certification. They are offered as additional resources that may be of value to a SUN coach. These are also sold to other coaches and other professionals.


SUN respects and protects the rights of all Master SUN Coach Educators, SUN Coach Educators and Associate Coach Educators and participants to use a grievance system, to appeal any denial of service, to appeal exclusion from a program, to prevent or report any inappropriate (sexual or otherwise) and to have a fair hearing in all cases.

The Discipline and Probation Policy addresses any breech or failure to comply with SUN agreements. ICF Ethical Guidelines and Standards of Performance are used as the guide. ALL SUN Educators are given a copy of the ICF Code and Standards and relevant SUN Policies at the commencement of their education and are required to provide participants with a copy at the onset of any education program they offer.

  1. Agreements between any participant and any Master SUN Coach Educator, SUN Coach Educator and Associate Coach Educator, are negotiated and signed BEFORE education begins.
  2. Infractions to the agreement are first addressed verbally.
  3. At a second offense of the same infraction, a written advisement is sent with remedial action suggested.
  4. At the next offense of the same infraction, another written advisement is sent giving a deadline reiterating which actions are necessary to right the infraction.
  5. If the infraction persists, education and/or education credits may be revoked as well as the right to use the title congruent with the level of SUN coach education attained, and/or the right to use Success Unlimited Network®. Depending upon the severity of the breach, ICF may also be informed. If a participant has a dispute with a Master SUN Coach Educator, SUN Coach Educator, Associate Coach Educator, the participant may request review by the SUN Director.
  6. All SUN Educators will inform participants during their exploration of any SUN program that there is a coaching code of ethics and standards of behavior. The International Coaching Federation website, <coachingfederation.org> identifies the ICF Ethical Conduct Review process and all ICF members have access to the ICF Assist Line by e-mail ethics@coachingfederation.org or phone +1.859.219.3580. The Assist Line may be used for ethical inquiries and concerns inquiries as well as complaints.
  7. If an ethical violation occurs, SUN may inform ICF as to why certification was discontinued or why faculty duties were removed or limited in scope.
  8. We inform Participants during their exploration of our program that there is a code of ethics and standards of behavior in our profession for coaches and for educators. If the Director or Education Director do anything purportedly unethical, educators and participants can go to the International Coach Federation website and follow the procedures for the Ethical Conduct Review process.
  9. If there is a dispute involving a SUN Coach Educator, such as SUN standards are not met, the Director of SUN decides appropriate action.

***SUN Educators have produced and published a number of materials, services and courses offered in addition to the Coach Education. These materials are not required for SUN certification and purchase is optional. They are offered as additional resources that may be of value to a SUN coach. These are also sold to other coaches and other professionals.***

================================================================  ACTO


Note: ACTO uses the word Trainers and ICF uses the word Educators. ALL SUN Educators honor and abide by the ACTO Code of Ethics!


The Association of Coach Training Organizations (ACTO) is a professional organization composed of coach training schools and organizations, faculty and staff, and individuals dedicated to promoting excellence in coach education. ACTO is dedicated to fair and equitable treatment to all people. The ICF Code of Ethics and the Global Code of Ethics were used as a basis for this Code of Ethics.


  • Integrity – Consistency of actions upholding honesty, and truthfulness.
  • Fairness – Equitable and just treatment and behavior ensuring equivalence for all.
  • Accountability – Taking ownership and accepting full responsibility with transparency and openness.
  • Ethical Behavior – Demonstrating respect for such moral principles as honesty, fairness, equality, dignity, diversity and individual rights



Agent (of a training organization) – Any person who is faculty, administrative support, supervisor, mentor, owner, contractor or employee working at a coach training organization.

Anonymity – The condition of not being identified by name or identifiable features or characteristics.

Coach Mentor – An experienced, credentialed coach who provides professional assistance in achieving and demonstrating the levels of coaching competency demanded by the ICF Credential level sought by the coach-applicant and those seeking credential renewal.

Coaching Supervision –  is a collaborative learning practice to continually build the capacity of the coach through reflective dialogue for the benefit of both coaches and clients. It focuses on the development of the coach’s capacity through offering a richer and broader opportunity for support and development. Coaching Supervision creates a safe environment for the coach to share their successes and failures in becoming masterful in the way they work with their clients.

Coach Trainer and/or Educator – A specialist in coaching theory, principles, and practice who teaches and prepares students for a coaching career or adding coaching competencies to another career.

Coaching Student – A person who is committed to formally studying and learning the art and science of coaching.

Confidentiality – Coaching information and discussion, including identity, is to be kept secret and/or private unless permission received from the person.

Faculty – The teaching or training staff who may also be mentors and supervisors and/or assessors for a coach training organization.

Sponsor – An entity (including its representatives) paying for and/or arranging for coaching education or services to be provided.

Stakeholder – Person who has an interest or investment in coach training or education.

Staff – All administrative and support personnel employed or contracted by a coach training organization

II.    ACTO Standards of ethical conduct

Section A. Professional Conduct at Large

As a member of ACTO, I:

  1. Act in accordance with the ACTO Code of Ethics in all interactions, including coach training, coach training administration, coaching, coaching appraisals, coach mentoring and coach supervisory activities.
  2. Recognize and abide by the applicable laws and regulations of each country, municipality and local governing body.
  3. Uphold the ethical standards of ACTO and the coaching profession in a manner that reflects positively on the profession of coach training.
  4. Behave in alignment with ACTO values.
  5. Embrace diversity and inclusion by respecting the unique and intrinsic worth of our global students, staff, trainers, administrators, sponsors and stakeholders.
  6. Provide a safe and supportive atmosphere for students, coaches and coaches-in-training to learn, excel ethically and strive to become professional coaches of the highest caliber.
  7. Show respect for the thoughts, ideas and opinions of others and strive to be objective when sharing feedback.
  8. Uphold equitable practices in all professional activities for all individuals, including but not limited to; age, race, gender orientation, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, politics, veteran status, national origin, and disability.
  9. Inform members of the organization of their responsibilities established by this Code.
  10. Agree that use of ACTO member information for mass emailing or spam is prohibited. .
  11. Treat people with dignity, respect, and compassion to foster a trusting work environment.
  12. Take the appropriate action with students, coaches, coach trainers, coach mentors and supervisors and/or contact ACTO to address or inquire about any ethics violation or possible breach of ethics as soon as I become aware.
    1. Review ethical concern with Coach Mentor, Coach Supervisor or Ethics Specialist to discern possible next steps
    2. Contact ACTO if appropriate
    3. Contact ACTO to file a complaint
  1. Recognize, honor and respect all member coach training schools and educational organizations.
  2. Offer best practices to promote continuous professional development of coach education and training.
  3. Obtain written permission, including full attribution for any and all intellectual property that is used from other schools, trainers & others. Any violations are also a legal matter and ACTO will uphold the actions of a court.
  4. Make verbal and written statements that are true and accurate about what is offered or can be expected from our coach training organizations and as a coach trainer.
  5. Accurately identify coaching qualifications, expertise, experience, training, certifications, ICF credentials and accreditations.
  6. Recognize any personal challenges that may impair, conflict with or interfere with my professional performance. I will promptly seek relevant professional assistance and take appropriate action, which could include a leave of absence or termination.
  7. Notice if I become aware of inappropriate behavior of another agent, I report it to the Coach Training Administrator. If Coach Training Administrator is involved or fails to take action, I report it directly to ACTO.
  1. Present clear and transparent written contracts to prospective students, faculty members and/or staff before they begin an assignment, including the ACTO Code of Ethics and any additional Ethical Code of the organization.
  2. Develop, administer, and advocate policies and procedures that foster fair, consistent, and equitable treatment for all.
  3. Support decisions made by our organization that are both ethical and legal, regardless of personal interests.

Section B. Professional Conduct with Students and Clients  

As a member of ACTO, I:

  1. Show respect for the opinions of others in the exchange of feedback and ideas.
  1. Commit to an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Each individual has the right to a professional atmosphere that promotes equal opportunities and prohibits unlawful discriminatory practices, including harassment.
  2. Understand that all relationships among coaches, trainers, student, clients, agents and others associated with ACTO will be business-like and free of bias, prejudice and harassment.

Section C. Confidentiality/Privacy

As a member of ACTO, I:

  1. Have clear agreements between the coach training organization and students as to when to break confidentiality such as:
    1. Illegal activity
    2. Pursuant to valid court order or subpoena or as required by law
    3. Imminent or likely risk of danger to self or others
  1. Ensure anonymity when sharing real examples in training.
  2. Maintain, store, and dispose of any records, including electronic files and communications, in a manner that promotes confidentiality, security, and privacy and complies with any applicable laws and agreements.
  3. Maintain the confidentiality of students’ records beyond the conclusion of each student’s coach education in accordance with local laws, releasing the information only with a student’s written permission or as required by law. Exceptions: Records of completion of individual courses for verification purposes by professional organizations. Programs, and certifications are considered public so they may be shared with those seeking verification.
  4. Maintain the anonymity of students’ personal information that may be revealed outside of student records, including but not limited to conversations with an instructor, supervisor, or mentor, participation in classroom discussions or group supervision or mentoring, or participation as client or coach in a coaching demonstration, role play, or practice session.
  5. Have a clear agreement about what student information and recordings will be transferred and/or released.

Section D. Conflicts of Interest

As a member of ACTO, I:

  1. Openly disclose any conflicts, and offer to recuse myself when I become aware of a conflict or potential conflict of interest.
  2. Demonstrate transparency and disclose all potential and actual conflicts of interest when decisions involving my organization or me arise.
  3. Disclose payment for referrals to all parties involved or impacted.
  4. Provide consistent and equitable services when teaching, mentoring, coaching, or supervising regardless of the form or amount of compensation or purchase of additional services.
  5. Adhere to and advocate the use of written policies on conflicts of interest within my organization.
  6. Maintain the integrity of my position in terms of personal, material, or financial gain, and ensure a positive and honorable appearance prevails.
  7. Strive to evaluate to the best of my ability, free of any positive or negative bias, students’ performance that would knowingly impact their ability to earn their own results.

Section E. Continuing Development

As a member of ACTO, I

  1. Teach Coaching and Coaching Ethics in a manner that provides information for students to be aware of and know how to address ethical challenges.
  2. Commit to life-long learning and ethics as a coach and a coach trainer
