ICF Accredited Coaching Education Level 2
ICF Accredited Coaching Education Level 2

LEVEL 2 TIMING and CLASSES (Total 125 hours)

MODULE 1: Demystify Level 2 coaching – 8 hours

MODULE 2: The Jazzy Side of Ethics – 10 hours

MODULE 3: Coaching Principles – 4 hours

MODULE 4: Launching into Coaching and Practice

Wearing the Coach’s Hat: 29.8 hours

  1. Auditory Appreciation
  2. The Power of the Coaching Mindset
  3. Bound with Boundaries
  4. Calibrating Congruence
  5. Catering to the Kinesthetic
  6. Choices and Values
  7. Coaching without Questions
  8. Dealing with Emotions
  9. Imposter Syndrome
  10. Motivation
  11. Pedestal Problem, Partnership?
  12. Power of Presence in the Pause
  13. Procrastination Pro
  14. Recognizing Readiness
  15. Tackling Transitions
  16. Coaching ADHD Symptoms
  17. The Intuitive Web
  18. Team Coaching Part II (Spanish only) – 5 hours

MODULE 5: Jump Start Your Business – 6 hours

MODULE 6: Unique SUN Methodology, Tools and Techniques, including Life Purpose – 24 hours

MODULE 7: Coaching Tools and Techniques – 7.5 hours

MODULE 8: Mastery Practicum – 3 hours

MODULE 9: Mentoring – 10 hours

MODULE 10: Master Class Integration – 4.8 hours

Self-Development Plan, Missing Pieces, Qualities of an Excellent Coach, Star Integration, The Coach Detective

MODULES 11 and 12: Evaluations and Completion (16.9 hours)

If you train 1:1 with your Educator, you decide the number of hours for each meeting and the spacing in between.Timing depends upon your desired pace, schedule, individual needs, lifestyle, finances, and your client load.

If you choose group education, the schedule is determined by your Educator or the Contract you negotiate with an organization or company.