ICF Accredited Coaching Education Level 2
ICF Accredited Coaching Education Level 2

Success Unlimited Network (SUN) Coach Training and Certification Program and the SUN Organization

Length: 125 hours total. Average length of time to graduate 1- 2 ½ years. Note: You are already coaching  3+ paying clients, with your Mentor’s feedback and receiving an income in the latter part of the program.

Schedule: If 1:1, you set the pace; if in small groups, click one of the SUN Educators in the sidebar.

Method: Conducted 1:1, in groups, in person, and/or distance learning

  • 100 hours direct interaction with Educator
  • Additional opportunities include monthly Tele-classes facilitated by credentialed Educators, SUN Coaches and other coaching leaders, Global skills practices, 50+ Recordings of experts, thought leaders and credentialed coaches presentations about different aspects of the profession, buddy practices and an annual 4-5 day education retreat in a coaching learning community–all for credit.

One graduate says: “I love how you provide structure and a way to focus, yet at the same time one feels free to create and explore. Structure and freedom sometimes seem to be contradictory terms, but not in your coaching program”


      1. The SUN program, imported from the UK, has been successfully in business since 1986.
      2. Our Founder and Director is the world’s 1st MCC (ICF Master Certified Coach).
      3. Our British roots are based on models from sports psychology, management and educational principles/theories.
      4. In addition to training competencies, we also offer a unique combination of structure, methodology and process.
      5. We begin EVERY meeting whether clients, students, trainers or those we mentor and supervise, by uncovering Life Purpose as the foundation for decisions and choices.
      6. Whereas we do offer small groups, the 1:1 individualized format option works for people who need flexibility to meet time demands and life balance.
      7. We prefer to educate coaches who acknowledge some spiritual awareness.
      8. Many of our Trainers are bilingual (Spanish, Italian, English, Hebrew) and have decades of coach training experience. All are credentialled, many with MCCs
      9. In addition to our Educational Network of coaching programs, we have a Global Community of SUN coaches who can choose to attend our annual 4-5 days coaching learning retreats.
      10. We have trained in 51 countries, 5 continents.
      11. Learning ethics and competencies is not enough. WE want you to be coaching in the field, so we created a module on How to Jumpstart your Coaching Business and Marketing. Write your personalized Business Plan, use the Personal Mastery Practicum to move past whatever limits your success. (Everyone passes!)
      12. Fifty+ recorded archival presentations, new ones monthly. E.g., AI: A Threat, Tool or Toy, Coaching through the Lens of Race, Team Coaching, Blind Spots on our Mental Map, Calculated Risks, Corporate Culture Change……


  1. Coaches are formally educated and trained.
  2. Coaching helps individuals and organizations to develop more rapidly and produce more consistently purposeful and satisfying results and well-being.
  3. Coaches and clients are partners in the process.
  4. Clients choose the results to be coached (within the parameters of coaching) and coaching is tailored to the individual needs of the client.
  5. Coaches help clients tap into their own answers and build upon their natural strengths and abilities.
  6. Coaches believe that the client is responsible for doing the work to achieve the desired results and well-being.
  7. Coaches maintain a holistic perspective.
  8. The power of coaching comes from the strength of the caring bond between the coach and client.
  9. Coaches come from the perspective that every interaction is an opportunity to be of service.
  10. Coaches proactively continue their own personal growth and discovery as well as professional enhancement

Educational Purposes

  1. Learn the ICF coaching competencies and SUN methodology and philosophy.
  2. Learn how to facilitate conversations for change, vision, awareness, context and responsibility.
  3. Successfully set yourself up as a SUN coach.
  4. Demonstrate ability to enable clients to learn how to produce the results they want.

Timing, Tuition and Resources