SUN accredited coach education and certification


If you want to learn mid-level professional coaching competencies in an accredited Program, consider this Pathway to the Level 2 Credential PCC Professional Coach Certification (125 hours).

Put on Your Coach’s Hat (22.0 Hours)

Demystify Level 2 coaching
Jazzy Side of Ethics
Coaching Principles

Coaching Competencies  (29.8 Hours)

  1. Auditory Appreciation
  2. The Power Of The Coaching Mindset
  3. Bound With Boundaries
  4. Calibrating Congruence
  5. Catering To The Kinesthetic
  6. Choices And Values
  7. Coaching Without Questions
  8. Dealing With Emotions
  9. The Imposter Syndrome
  10. Motivation
  11. Pedestal Problem, Partnership?
  12. Power Of Presence in the Pause
  13. Procrastination Pro
  14. Recognizing Readiness
  15. Tackling Transitions
  16. Coaching ADHD Symptoms
  17. The Intuitive Web
  18. Team Coaching Part II – in Spanish in process of development

SUN Methodology, Tools and Techniques (31.5 Hours)

Ideal Week
Goal Planning
Support Network
SUN Methodology (Life Purpose, Results and Well-Being Games)
(SUN Decision tool)

Other Classes (23 hours)

The Coach Detective
Mastery Practicum
Global skills practices
SUN Tele-classes
Jumpstart your Coaching Business

Master Class Integration (4.8 hours)

Missing Pieces
Self-Development Plan
Star Integration
Excellent Coach Analysis

Mentoring (10 hours)

CUSTOMIZATION: content, timing and methodology

  • If you or your or another organization has a unique situation, we partner with you to customize any program to meet your needs, budget and schedules.
  • We provide top quality education 1:1, in small groups, in person, by distance learning, or any combination.
  • Locations of Educational Offerings
    Educators instruct not only in their home location. We travel around the globe to educate in Latin America, the US Israel and Europe. Often an Educator can travel to where the participant is located. Of course this has been somewhat restricted due to the pandemic. In total as of 2022, SUN has already trained and educated participants in 51 countries spanning 5 continents.
  • Dates of Educational Offerings  At present, most of our Level 1 programs are contracted with companies and offered in groups. Dates are determined in advance and participation is limited to the negotiated company requirements. When working 1:1 in Level 2, the dates can be set from one meeting to the next or advance planning for the entire schedule, honoring participants’ calendar and lifestyle needs. SUN attracts people who prefer or require flexibility.
  • Languages Used  In general we offer our education in English, Spanish, Italian , German and Hebrew. Participants’ language preference is also a factor connected with the location and who is the Educator. IN SUN we are resourceful and creative and do the best we can to accommodate. In several cases, a Participant spoke Spanish or Italian or Hebrew and the Educator did not. So an  Educator with the same language as the participant offered to be present to simultaneously translate the class. At our annual educational residential learning events we frequently have simultaneous translation within our community in Hebrew, Spanish, Italian and English. We are very grateful for the service our community offers to enable support of diversity through these collaborations.
  • Tuition Fees for each Educator are based on these criteria
    1. Level of credential,
    2. Years of experience,
    3. Comparative market value,
    4. Honoring cultural economic differences,
    5. Geographical area,
    6. Comparable professions hourly rates such as mental therapists, massage therapists, consultants, teachers
    7. Cost of living indicators
    8. Who will finance the education such as executive vs. individual paying for self?INSTRUCTORS FEES  Because SUN is global and we serve many different parts of the world with different economies, cultures etc., each Instructor may set their own fees and have a rate sheet available. This prevents discrimination in the moment. Variable rates take into criteria such as:
  • Delivery Method  Delivery methods are chosen based upon the special needs of the participant. We have visual and auditory educational methods to accommodate many sensory challenges and disabilities.
  • Intended Participants are those who feel a resonance with the mission and methodology presented in a required 1½ hours free exploratory meeting. Also necessary is that there is a fit between the Educator and Participant. Educators in SUN have been trained in different learning styles and are also very flexible in adapting to different types of participants. Because we have a global perspective, we seek the guidance of others in our SUN community and our SUN Network who may have experience in certain cultures beyond that of a specific Educator.
  • Contact Information The Educator contact information is listed on the website for each Educator either a telephone number or email or both as Educators deem appropriate to their situations. The organizational contact is given by email only.  <info@succecssunlimiteddnet.com>
  • Transfer of Credit We do not give credit for Transfer from other courses, organizations and programs. Even if you have completed a Level 1 or 2 program, you must enroll and attend the program in its entirety. If you have any questions about this, please contact our Director of Education, Ortal Duzly. Ortal.duzly@gmail.com
  • Partial Completion For completed classes a participant may request a completion certificate from their primary educator within 60 dates of withdrawing from SUN.
  • Intended participants and pre-requisites for individuals to enroll
  • SUN criteria for admission into the ICF Coaching Education, Training and Certification Programs (Level 2)
    1. Participation in a personal interview in person, by phone or distance technology to learn about the SUN approach, methodology and fees.
    2. Completion of Coach-in-Education (Participant) Information Form – application form
    3. Signed agreement attesting to intention to adhere to SUN and ICF policies, legal and financial obligations etc.
    4. Awareness and agreement that the process for educating a Participant shall not exceed three years, unless reasonable circumstances dictate otherwise.
    5. If the education of a Participant exceeds 3 years, the Participant may request that the SUN Coach Educator extend the time frame required for completion. The SUN Coach Educator decides whether to accept the extension or leave of absence request.
    • SUN prefers to work with people who are on a spiritual path.
    • SUN also prefers to admit people who have some work experience and a personal growth and development track record.
    • Transfer of Credit for a non-SUN coach potential participant
    • If a participant in another program wants to take SUN Level 1 or 2 education, they select the Educator from information on the SUN website www.successunlimitednet.com or send an email request to <info @successunlimitednet.org>. The chosen Educator reviews all the documented education received so far and notes the amount of experience as well. Before accepting the participant there is an observation to assess the level of understanding and application of coaching competencies and philosophy.
  • Entrance Requirements for SUN certification
    • A deep caring for people
    • The ability to be in the question allowing clients to have their own answers
    • A commitment to personal growth and discovery as evidenced by a minimum of 5 years participation in personal/professional continuing education and development programs
    • An awareness that you are on a spiritual journey and a willingness to integrate that into your coaching
    • A track record of being in the process of achieving results and well-being.
    • Work experiences a minimum of three years
    • Agree to maintain the ethics and standards of behavior set by the ICF and SUN including to be responsible for finding clients to coach

Franz Josef Glacier Landing

Kim Belf – Blazing New Trails