IF you want to become a Coach and learn basic professional coaching competencies in an ICF-accredited Program, consider this SUN Program as a The Pathway to the Level 1 Credential, ACC (Associate Certified Coach)
60 hours coaching education
- Learn the ICF coaching competencies and SUN philosophy.
- Learn how to facilitate conversations for change, vision, awareness, context and responsibility.
- Successfully set yourself up as a SUN coach.
- Demonstrate ability to enable clients to learn how to produce the results they want.
The SUN Coach Education program has its roots in 1980 in England, brought to the US in 1987. Our coaching is holistic and based on models of Business Management, Learning Theories and Sports coaching. Our approach to coaching is revealed in Tim Gallwey’s books about the The Inner Game (Tennis, Golf, Work….). In his book, Mr. Gallwey’s approach is to focus on what happens between hits. It is the focus on “between the meeting approach” practice and application of competencies and ethics, that contributes to making SUN a unique and effective coaching program. SUN also works with principles from the fields of Integrated Learning, NLP, Ancient Greek and Egyptian Wisdom, and Neuroscience.
- All SUN Educators have a PCC or MCC credential and almost all have decades of experience with SUN.
- Our Founder and Director is the world’s first ICF-credentialed MCC (Master Certified Coach).
- SUN Educators are leaders who volunteer to support and advance the evolution of the profession.
- When possible, Educators travel to students’ geographical locations to do training.
- We offer in person, hybrid and exclusively on-line (Zoom) training.
After you have read about our detailed Level 1 program syllabus, please go to the Sidebar and select your SUN Educator.
LENGTH: 60 hours total. The average length of time to graduate is approximately 10 months.
SCHEDULE: If 1:1, you set the pace. if in small groups, click one of the SUN Educators in the sidebar to learn about the scheduled classes
METHOD: Conducted 1:1, in groups, in person, and/or distance learning depending upon Educator
LOCATIONS : Educators instruct in their home location and beyond. We travel around the globe to educate in Latin America, the US, Israel and Europe.
Often an Educator can travel to where the participant is located. Sometimes it is possible to combine virtual and in person. In total as of 2024, SUN already trained and educated participants in 51 countries spanning 5 continents.
Some of our Level 1 programs are contracted with companies and offered in groups. Dates are determined in advance and participation is limited to the negotiated company requirements. When working 1:1 in Level 1, the dates can be set from one meeting to the next or advance planning for the entire schedule, honoring participants’ calendar and lifestyle needs. SUN attracts people who prefer or require flexibility. Please contact the Educator and language you choose and request the calendar for upcoming classes.
- 51 hours direct interaction with Educator (85%) of your education is focused on core competencies
- 9 hours include business development and marketing, understanding the foundational principles of coaching, exploring your profession (e.g., ICF and Chapter websites with guided questions), buddy practices, reading, watching prepared coaching videos, self-assessments and other assignments outside of class.
- Additional opportunities once you have 2+ clients under agreement and mentoring taking place, include monthly Zoom classes facilitated by credentialed Educators, SUN Coaches and other coaching leaders, Global Skills Practices, and an annual 4-5 day education retreat in a coaching learning community.
- We have visual and auditory educational methods to accommodate many sensory challenges and disabilities.
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew
TUITION FEES for this program can be obtained by asking your selected Educator because different countries have different rates due to economic variations. Costs vary depending upon Educator experience and credential, size of group, method of education and location. The fee includes mentoring, business development, SUN exams and certification fees, NOT ICF Credentialing Exam or other credentialing fees.
Some Educators offer discounts for advance payment and some offer installment plans. After you have selected an Educator and language, ( in the right column) please contact them directly for fees. The quality of the education, the service we offer and commitment in the partnership you receive, remains constant.Note: You are already coaching and receiving an income in the latter part of the program.
- Level 1 one-to-one US$5,300-$7,000. (If there is a VAT, not included)
- Level 1 group US$3,650-$4,300 (if there is a VAT, not included)
- SUN pays for your first final assessment. If you do not pass, the second attempt is at your expense.
MODULE 1: Demystify Level 1 coaching – 5 hours Introduction to all Coaching Competencies
MODULE 2: The Jazzy Side of Ethics – 5 hours introduction to Coaching Ethics
MODULE 3: Coaching Principles – 6 hours
MODULE 4: Launching into Coaching & Practice – Wearing the Coach’s Hat – 25
- Part 1:The Coaching Mindset
- Orientation to Visions, Choices and Values
- Introduction to Dealing with Emotions
- Entry Level Dealing with Imposter Syndrome
- Basics of Being motivated
- Partnership
- Essentials of Being present.
- Orientation to the Intuitive Web
MODULE 5: Jump Start Your Business – 4 hours
MODULE 6: Introduction to the Coaching Profession – Becoming a Coaching Professional 5 hours
MODULE 7: Level 1 Mentoring – 10 hours
Note: You will experience 5 observed coaching meetings with receive 3+ written and all oral feedback
Intended Participants and pre-requisites for individual enrollment
Participants we seek are those who feel a resonance with the mission and methodology presented in a required 1½ hours free exploration meeting. Also necessary is that there is a fit between the Educator and Participant. Educators in SUN have been taught different learning styles and are also very flexible in adapting to different types of participants. Because we have a global perspective, we seek the guidance of others in our SUN community and our SUN Network who may have experience in certain cultures beyond that of a specific Educator.
Entrance Requirements for SUN certification:
- A deep caring for people
- The ability to be in the question allowing clients to have their own answers
- A commitment to personal growth and discovery as evidenced by a minimum of 5 years participation in personal/professional continuing education and development programs
- An awareness that you are on a spiritual journey and a willingness to integrate that into your coaching
- A track record of being in the process of achieving results and well-being.
- Work experiences a minimum of three years
- Agree to maintain the ethics and standards of behavior set by the ICF and SUN including to be responsible for finding clients to coach
SUN criteria for admission into the Level 1 ICF Coaching Education, Training and Certification Program
- Participation in a personal interview in person, by phone or distance technology to learn about the SUN approach, methodology and fees.
- Completion of Coach-in-Education (Participant) application Form.
- Signed agreement attesting to intention to adhere to SUN and ICF policies, ethical and financial obligations etc.
- Awareness and agreement that the process for educating a Participant shall not exceed 10 months, unless reasonable circumstances dictate otherwise.
- If the education of a Participant exceeds 10 months, the Participant may request that the SUN Coach Educator extend the time frame required for completion. The SUN Coach Educator decides whether to accept the extension or leave of absence request.
- In some cases, contractual agreements are made with a company or institution that lengthen the educational timeframe to suit the organization’s contractual needs.
- SUN prefers to work with people who are on a spiritual path.
- SUN also prefers to admit people who have some work experience and a personal growth and development track record.
Other policies we adhere to and honor are the same for Level 1 and Level 2. Please click on these 2 links to read more.
SUN policies for all Levels: tuition, Withdrawals and Refunds, Confidentiality and Anonymity, Resources
AND more policies about
Mentoring, Customization, Contact Information, Transfer of Credit, Intended Participants and Transfer of Credit
IF you wish to hear some of the free educational recordings we offer, feel free to go to
If there are significant modifications to the curriculum due to ICF changes, in standards or requirements, any additional training or updating required will be charged in addition to your tuition at the rate of US 75 per hour.
For more general information: info @ successunlimitednet.com
If you need to connect with anyone in SUN who can help with a particular request
Our Organization Contact List
Founder, Owner, Director of SUN, Teri-E Belf coach@belf.org
Director of Education, Ortal Duzly ortal.duzly@gmail.com
GDPR Coordinator Rodrigo Baccaro, Rodrigo@rodrigobaccaro.com
GDPR Backup Coordinator, Davide Melis davidemeliscoach@gmail.com
Grievance issues: Teri-E Belf coach@belf.org or Ortal Duzly ortal.duzly@gmail.com
Faculty: See side bar