includes mentoring, business development, SUN exams and certification fees, NOT ICF Credentialing Exam or other credentialing fees.

Cost may vary depending upon group size or 1:1 and the economy of the country or region in which the education is done and comparative economic norms, the Educator’s number of years of experience and education.

Level 2 one-to-one  US$8300. – $14,900. (VAT not included)

Level 2 group (size 5) US$5,000-$8,000.

Some Educators offer discounts for advance payment and some offer installment plans. After you have selected an Educator and language, please contact them directly for fees. The quality of the education, the service we offer and commitment in the partnership you receive, remains constant.

SUN pays for your first final performance assessment. If you do not pass, the second time the assessment review is at your own expense.


In the event of early withdrawal or inability of any participant to complete a program, the participant is liable for payment for the services rendered as of the date of withdrawal on a daily pro-rated percentage. For example, if a participant completes one day of a two-day education, payment for 50% of the education would be due in addition to a €264. or US $300. administrative fee. If prepayment had occurred, the Educator provides refunds pro-rated to services already rendered minus the administrative fee.

If a participant wishes to continue the education and the SUN Educator cannot for any reason, the participant can contact another SUN Educator at the same level or higher to provide assistance. The SUN Director of Education maintains the list of participants, Educators and graduates’ records.

PARTIAL COMPLETION  For completed classes a participant may request a completion certificate within 60 dates of withdrawing from SUN.


We do not give credit for Transfer from other courses, organizations and programs. Even if you have completed a Level 1 or 2 program, you must enroll and attend the program in its entirety. If you have any questions about this, please contact our Director of Education, Ortal Duzly.


SUN Educators have a strong commitment to continual improvement and development, both as coaches and as coach Educators. To this end, we sometimes discuss strategies and approaches for education in order to continually upgrade our competencies and our SUN program. This may include the educational process and progress involving how participants are coaching, communicating with, and marketing to their clients. This may also involve how they are being educated and receive instruction. Additionally, although not limited to this, discussions may include creating materials, cases and role-plays for instructional purposes.

In order to preserve the privacy of all involved, Educators only share information with each other that is needed to upgrade skill and enhance the program. Educators will take the utmost care to maintain anonymity of the people involved, unless permission is received. This principle of anonymity pertains to group work, retreats, tele-classes, skills practices and other methods of education.


Review, Comprehension and Application of SUN resources:

  • Certification Manuals
  • 3 1-hour tutorial videos of coaching demonstrations
  • Simply Live It UP: Brief Solutions
  • Coaching with Spirit: Allowing Success To Emerge – English and Spanish