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Mission: SUN is a global network of Coaches, Coach Educators, Coach Mentors, Coach Supervisors and coaching leaders who inspire purposeful being for the evolution of humanity.


We are Emissaries of Purposeful Being who inspire purposeful being for the evolution of humanity.

Core Beliefs: We believe purposefulness accelerates evolution.

We believe that every person has a purpose and unlimited potential, and by living on purpose we empower potential that accelerates evolution.

We take pride in valuing quality, not quantity so we offer customized, highly individualized quality coaching, coach education and mentoring.

SUN offers accredited LEVEL 2 (125 hours) and LEVEL 1 (60 hours) programs.

What makes SUN Unique?

The sun is our metaphor because our work involves bringing forth, enhancing and sharing light and lightness in clients, participants in our educational programs and ourselves.

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                           “One reason I chose SUN is because of the ethics, integrity and humanness, essential for the wellness of both coach and client.” Margaret Flanagan May, 2022

What Makes SUN Unique?

  • The SUN program derives its perspective from Sports Psychology and Management Training and can be applied to all life areas in personal and business venues.
  • Originating in London in 1981 by the British Company, Results Unlimited, the methodology brought to the U.S. in 1987.
  • SUN is a visible leader in the coaching profession and around the globe, updating and evolving for improving effectiveness while simultaneously enhancing well-being.
  • Our accredited education includes mentoring, business development and marketing.
  • The program we educate participants to use with clients offers structure and process; the coach provides the structure using a methodology based upon discovering one’s life purpose.
  • SUN comprises a Network focusing on education. Graduates and participants in the SUN Network may join a separate group, the SUN Community, that offers ongoing connection, collaboration and continuing education opportunities.
  • SUN Educators, Mentors and Coaches bring spiritual awareness to their work.

Our Organization Contact List

Founder, Owner, Director of SUN, Teri-E Belf coach@belf.org

Director of Education, Ortal Duzly ortal.duzly@gmail.com

GDPR Coordinator Rodrigo Baccaro, Rodrigo@rodrigobaccaro.com

GDPR Backup Coordinator, Davide Melis davidemeliscoach@gmail.com

Grievance issues: Teri-E Belf coach@belf.org or Ortal Duzly ortal.duzly@gmail.com

Faculty: See side bar


  1. Accept people as they are.
  2. Focus on the present listen to what is in front of you.
  3. Every interaction with a prospective client and actual client is an opportunity to be of service
  4. Maintain positive perspective.
  5. Continuously ask yourself: what is the learning here? For the other? For me?
  6. Support people to acknowledge, understand, accept, and value their differences.
  7. Let people know they are doing the best they can.
  8. Create win-win scenarios.
  9. Keep judgments to yourself.
  10. When you feel like giving an answer, ask a question instead.
  11. Ask yourself, “How do they see it? Feel it? Know it?”
  12. Every conversational step is progress, purposeful, and has value
    Find the value!
  13. Coaches are formally trained.
  14. Clients choose the results to be coached within the landscape of coaching and coaching is tailored to the individual needs of the client.
  15. Coaching is interactive. The Coach and Client are collaborative partners in the process.
  16. Coaches elicit solutions and strategies from the client by using the inquiry process and making observations.
  17. Coaches help clients tap into their own answers and build upon their natural strengths and abilities.
  18. Coaches believe that the client is resourceful, creative and able to obtain the desired results.
  19. Coaches believe that the client is responsible for doing the work to achieve the results and well-being.
  20. Coaches maintain a holistic perspective and continually look at how all life areas interrelate.
  21. The power of coaching comes from the strength of the caring bond between Coach and Client.
  22. Coaches model the SUN philosophy, values and practices.
  23. Coaches pro-actively continue their own personal growth and discovery.
  24. Coaches remember to plurk (play while they work).

In all communications and behaviors you can expect SUN Educators to be committed to and adhere to ethical coaching standards and values of 2 organizations: the International Coaching Federation (ICF) <coachingfederation.org> and ethical coach training standards of the Association of Coach Training Organizations (ACTO) <actoonline.org>.